First of all, I have been pretty sick the past few days. I am finally feeling much better. I had the sore throat, stuffy nose, achy body all over, etc. It totally wiped me out on monday. So I cuddled up on the couch and we watched movies almost all day. Sad, I know.
But by the end of the day, Ty was thinking only in terms of disney movies. When I was telling him the scripture story of Abinadi, and told him that King Noah killed Abinadi, Ty said "Oh, kind of like Scarf (aka Scar) killed Mufasa?" and then later when I said that Alma ran away and King Noah was very angry with Alma, Ty clarified "Do you mean he was as mad as Cinderella's step-mother?" I just had to laugh. I was I had some kind of excuse.
Speaking of which...I just have to throw this in here....I have the greatest friends. Over the past few weeks of sickness that have plagued our house, I have had so much support and love from friends. One friend brought a beautiful bunch of flowers while the kids were sick. And then on Tuesday showed up with an amazing dinner just at the perfect time! And I had countless other offers to bring dinner and others to watch the kids. Thanks to everyone.
Moving on to some other wonders of the past month...
Cameron is magical. Truly. He has been given the gift of finding ANYTHING you send him to find. You think I am joking. But no. He is amazing. If the phone is missing, I will say "hey Cam, can you go find the phone?" A few minutes later, he'll wander over with the phone that has been missing for a few days! Same thing with his sippy cup...gone. I had searched everywhere. I finally said out loud "Cam, do you know where your sippy cup is?" A few minutes later, he came running up to me with his sippy cup. And the best one ever...EVER....about nine months ago, Scott lost a little tiny piece of computer equipment (kind of like a USB drive) that have thousands of dollars of stuff on it. When Scott told me it was missing, we spend days searching the house inside and out. But to no avail. It was gone. It has been gone for nine months (or more). Then, when we were at the church for Tyler's birthday party, Cameron comes over and hands me something that he found as he was wandering up on the stage. Yes. It was Scott's computer piece!! I couldn't believe it. Cameron is marvelous. He is up for hire....
On to Ty's birthday party...I can't believe that Ty is 3 now! Seems like the time passes so quickly! Ty talked about doing two things for his birthday: have pizza and a movie night and ride on a bus. That's it. And he has asked to do that for his birthday for months now. So, Friday morning, we got up and got all ready and walked down to the bus stop right by our house. Ty and Cam were absolutely giddy with excitement as they waited for the bus. I was terrified at the thought of bringing two toddlers and a double stroller onto the bus. As the bus pulled up, I had Cam on one hip, the double stroller all folded up in the other hand and Tyler was holding onto one of my pockets...I am sure it was a sight to see. The doors opened and Tyler jumped right up and in a loud voice said "Hi, bus driver! It is my burfday!" and then promptly walked to the VERY back of the bus (of course, saying hi to each person he passed with things like "hi, grandpa man") and took his seat. He wanted to sit all by himself and it was just the most adorable thing I have seen. He pointed out just about everything he saw over the following 6 minutes. We only took the bus a few stops up and then got off to pick out a piece of candy at Walmart. I thought that he would be so excited once I told him he could get a piece of candy, but he was more worried about when we could get on the bus again. Needless to say, it was an absolute success! Then, in the evening we had lots of friends over to church and did pizza and a movie night. It was so much fun. We brought our projector and watched "The Lion King" on the big felt just like watching it at a theater. We had tons of pizza and cupcakes and it seemed like everyone had fun. Ty still talks about Simba, and is also always asking Cam if he wants to play "lions" with him. So much fun!
Here we are getting ready to leave to ride the bus
waiting at the bus stop was almost unbearable. they were so excited.
Ty's seat at the back of the bus
Ty and Cam on their first bus ride. Ty says "Now I really am a big kid, cause I can ride the bus!"
Last, but definitely not least, Scott played his concert last weekend. I am married to a rock star! He did awesome. The concert was so much fun. There were a few hundred people there and TONS of our friends came. It was amazing to see how many people came out to support Scott and we had so much fun. It only took about 24 hours to get my hearing back to normal :)
So many people talked to me after the concert and asked all about how long Scott has played and how often he plays now, etc. It started me thinking about how lucky I am that Scott puts the church and his family first in his life. I just had to put that in here because he truly is such an amazing musician, but he puts even more time into being an incredible dad and husband. He comes home and cleans or cooks dinner, plays with the kids, puts the kids to bed, and then only ONCE a week does he go and do music stuff. He spends all his other time with me! I am so grateful for such a wonderful and talented husband! (Pics to come)
We love and miss you guys SO SO much!! I love the pictures... you guys are all so photogenic! And Ty and Cam have the same smile and it's adorable. Also, certain facial expressions of Cam's totally remind me of Lyla, it's weird! We have GOT to see you guys sometime soon!
ReplyDeleteAs I began reading I was thinking of course Cam can find everything, he's probably the one that hides everything, but finding that computer piece at the church was amazing. Wow, what luck! I could use him around here! Ask him if he knows where my truck keys are. :)
ReplyDeleteLove ya, glad you are on the mend.
your boys are too cute! i think it is hilarious that ty wanted to ride the bus for his birthday. {and i don't think you should feel bad about letting them watch movies when you're sick... there have been many times when i think about how great it will be once siena is old enough to watch a movie...and maybe i wasn't sick when i had those thoughts...}
ReplyDeleteoh my goodness, those two boys are soooo cute! and i love the story about the bus! such simple things make kids so happy... i love it! :) hope you feel better soon...
ReplyDeleteThose boys are so cute, I can't even take it! They are seriously going to break hearts some day.
ReplyDeleteAnd, don't worry, Bria watches more than her fair share of movies-- even when I'm not sick. Sometimes I just get really bored.
I'm so proud of Scott! I really wish we could have been there for his show. We would have loved it!
Your boys are so darling, and I can not believe that Ty is already THREE! I'm glad he had such a fun bday.
ReplyDeleteWe sure miss you guys. Hope you're feeling 100% better soon. Love, love, love you!
I love reading about you guys - We just love you! The bus ride story is fantastic and your comments about Scott are awesome - great man! But I had to laugh about Cam's miraculous ability to find things. My mom often said that my sister Kelli had that exact same 'gift.' Until she discovered that Kelli had PUT the missing objects in their mysterious places. Hope that Cam is just a genius at finding things and not hiding them ;D
ReplyDeleteMy fav part of this whole story is Ty saying "Hi, Granpa man" on the bus. That is THE cutest thing ever.