Since I can't even really remember what I did yesterday, I am most definitely not going to remember all the fun, crazy, wild, frustrating, and amazing things that have happened to us in the past few months. It has all been there though. We have all been happy. We have all been sad. We are all happy again!
Some highlights over the past few months:
-Retreat with the McPhie sisters! We all went on an amazing trip to New York. It was such a delight. I loved every minute of it and I LOVE my sisters! Thanks so much to Mom McPhie who made that all possible!
-Camping, camping, camping! We have been camping several times this summer and we just love it. The boys are at that perfect age where everything from a pinecone to a dusty leaf are treasures and a tree stump can give hours of entertainment. We went to Yosemite at the beginning of May with a friend from Scott's work, then to the beach at the end of May with several friends, and then back to Yosemite in June for a family reunion. The boys had so much fun playing with their cousins and getting to see grandma and grandpa and even GREAT grandma and grandpa! We are so lucky to have such wonderful family!
-My sister Betsy got to fly in a few days before the family reunion and I got to spend a lot of time with her. I miss her. I love being with her. My kids just loved her and they were so sad when we had to drop her off at the airport. We talked, went on walks, went to the park, she styled my hair, etc. Even if it was for just a few days, it sure was heavenly!
-Swimming lessons have made up the last few weeks for us. Ty has looked forward to his swimming lessons since we signed up a few months ago and he had been asking daily when it was time. Finally, they arrived and he had a little bit of a hard time at first, but he is doing such a great job. Since all of the beginning (level one) classes were full, he was put in the level two classes and I worried that he wouldn't be able to keep up with the older kids. But he is doing a fantastic job. I am really proud of him...mostly that he learned to overcome his fear and has continued to do lessons even though he gets nervous most mornings. After lessons, he usually jumps into my arms and says "I did it Mom! Are you so proud of me?"
Cam, on the other hand, is another story. This kid...He loves the pool at our complex. He loves splashing and getting wet and jumping off the wall to me. In fact, this weekend, he jumped off the diving board at a friend's pool. But will he do a parent/tot class with me in a kiddie pool? Not a chance! The teachers keeps saying things like "As he gets older, he will get more adventurous and daring and he will warm right up to the pool" and I think to myself "Heaven help me if this kid gets any more daring!"
A few other fun for our marathon is going great! I guess I haven't mentioned that Scott and I decided to run the St. George marathon this year. We found out in May that we got into the marathon (since it is a lottery) and we were so excited/terrified. We are several weeks into our training and things are going well. Sometimes I ask myself why in the world I would do something like that to myself, but in the end, I find such a wonderful release when I run. It is terrific! And the kids do well in our double jogging stroller...I often look down and see them reading books to each other, playing with cars, or Ty dividing up the lunch. (I won't mention the times I look down and see them crying or fighting over a toy or hear the phrase "Mom, Cam is touching me!!!". What do I do? I turn the music on my ipod louder and go to a happy place.)
Ty and Cam really are becoming such great little buddies. Everyday that goes by, Cam learns more words and is more like a little toddler than a baby (even though I still say things like "Scott, can you go get the baby?" Ty is so happy about it! In fact, Cam got a hand-me-down trike from some friends a couple weeks ago and has been learning to ride it lately. Ty is right by his side cheering him on and the other day, after Cam had pedaled two or three times on his own Ty exclaimed "Mom, I love having a brother!" It is little bursts like that that make me beam.
Cam has learned how to climb out of his crib. That does not make me beam. In fact, it sucks the light and life right out of me. We might have had a breakthrough tonight though...we will see. It is only 9:30....
Well, I think that sums it up over here...hopefully I will post again before September :)
Ty adoring his little cousin Izzy while sitting with Uncle Joe
I LOVE this picture. It is one of those that I snapped just in time to see the boys hiking with Scott and Ty turned around to reach out for Great Grandpa Wright's hand. I really love this picture.
Our family overlooking Yosemite valley.
This is how the longest and hardest hike went for the boys :)
I love how green the background is here...just off to the side of a waterfall having lunch
The theme for our Wright reunion this year was "Semper Fi" (an army theme). Ty still wears his dog tags everywhere (just ask anyone who has seen us since then) and will randomly holler "Semper Fi!"
Lunch at the beach
Just close enough...
Ty loves the beach. He would stay in the water the entire time if we let him. He loves it the most when Dad goes in the water with him. I heard screams of delight all the way to our spot on the sand
A picture of the fam at Sunset Beach (camping)
Bridal Veil Falls
Sad times while camping
Happy times while camping
Like father, like son
Cam's first bloody nose...and the brother who gave it to him!
Hooray! So happy to hear about all of the fun things you guys have been up to- and I still need to make it out to Yosemite sometime!!
ReplyDeleteI loved this post! Even though it made me even more sad that we had to miss the reunion! I love that last picture of the boys. Cam looks like he is just spent and Ty looks like he's a little proud of his work :)
ReplyDeleteYea!! A new post!! So happy to see all those pictures of the handsome little boys. They're so cute! I miss you guys tons.
ReplyDeleteAlso, you know that Scott gave me the only bloody nose I've ever had?
What the what?? You were at bridal veil falls? You were in Utah?
ReplyDeleteLooks like you've been having a great summer! :) Love you and see you soon.