I have not forgotten about this blog. In fact, I think about posting something a couple times a week. And then I never do. I guess it is just one of those things that gets put to the bottom of the list until it is actually embarrassing that you haven't done it (kind of like cleaning the bathroom).
Our past few months has been so much fun! We have tons of pictures, but none of them are on this computer...they are in where Cam is napping. So I won't be posting pictures today. But here is an update...
We had a wonderful Halloween party with all of the "Hot Mamas" and it was just perfect! Good food, lots of candy, darling costumes, pin the nose on the jack-0-latern, trick or treating, etc. The boys had a ball.
We left for Utah right after the halloween party and had a terrific trip there! We stayed with Scott's parents for about a week and did a whole bunch of fun things including: campfire with Papa (complete with tents, flashlights, and of course, fire...all things that the boys just LOVED), a fun farm which I don't remember the name of where we went around and saw a ton of animals and had a swarm of geese follow us because we had a bag of food, walk around Silver Lake (again, I don't remember if that is the right name), swimming with cousins at Holladay Lions, seeing our dear friends Jeff and Julie and their darling kids, spending a day in Provo and seeing all the old sights of where Scott and I first met, first kissed, first apartment, etc., attended the wedding of the best friend I could ever have and someone I just admire so much, Mandie (I still call her Sister Hendricksen...from the mission), eating tons of good food, date night with the adults, and just fun time with Papa and Mimi. We loved having them all to ourselves for the week!
Next, I went up to Idaho for a week...which I often fear doing because I am not a great single parent. In fact, I feel like I usually fail miserably when I try to do it by myself. But Scotty had to be back to work and I really wanted to spend time with my parents and sister, so we gave it a go. And it actually turned out great. That doesn't mean that we didn't have some HUGE meltdowns from the boys..no, that was definitely there, but I handled it and we got through it. When we first got there it was so cold and then it started snowing for almost an entire day. Then next few days were just heaven for the boys and they asked to get in their snow clothes the very second they woke up. Ty was a little trooper out there and even after Cam would give up and come in because he was too cold, he would continue to make snow angels and slide down the hill all by himself. The boys just loved bonding with Grandma and Grandpa with movie nights, making cinnamon rolls, going swimming, playing in the snow, doing crafts, playing games, learning songs, etc. They also just couldn't get enough of Aunt Becca. Ty actually keeps asking for a sister since we have been up there because he loved playing with Becca. She built a fort with them and played doctor and chased them around the house. She even took a turn bathing them and getting them ready for bed one night. We were certainly spoiled!!
As soon as we got home I felt so homesick and missed all of the fun people and fun things that we were able to do over those few weeks!
Next comes...Thanksgiving! We had such a terrific day...I dare say it might have been my favorite Thanksgiving ever! Maren and I ran the turkey trot first thing in the morning (which I have to say thanks to Maren for coming over several times in the prior weeks in order to help me get out and training for it without the kids) and it was awesome. Then home to my sweet and wonderful husband who is actually such a terrific chef. She stayed up until around midnight the night before so that he could get the stuffing going in the crockpot and when I got home from my run, he had the kids all dressed and having fun and had a few other Thanksgiving dishes prepared. He is so great!
We met at the Laytons around 1pm and fed the kids and put them to bed! The adults enjoyed a blissful dinner where we ate all that we could without having to stop and feed anyone. Then we moved to the family room where we promptly fell asleep to a movie until the kids woke up. By the time the kids woke up we were just about ready to head over to the Katz's for dessert with several other families. It was amazing! I love getting together with friends on Thanksgiving and sharing holidays together because it makes them feel like family :)
Anyway, after dessert, the Laytons headed back to our place and we put the kids down for the night and then the real party started. We played games and chatted and laughed our heads off (at least I didn't wet my pants this time) until super late and then put on Harry Potter. The next morning, Maren and I went shopping while the boys watched the kids. We picked up lunch and brought it home...mmmm Five Brothers burgers!! That night we headed over to the Layton's for another sleepover at their place. We seriously had so much fun!!
Over the last few weeks I feel like I have been in heaven because I can blast the Christmas music from our house and I don't get weird looks like I do when its July. We got out our Christmas decorations right after Thanksgiving and our whole life feels so Christmasy. We had a whole group of friends over for donuts and hot chocolate (after we tried to go look at Chrismas lights, but it didn't exactly work out :)), we made gingerbread houses with some friends, we sing christmas songs by the light of the tree and sometimes with Scotty playing the guitar, we have watched Polar Express more times than I care to admit, and I am just getting all the ingredients out for sugar cookies for this afternoon.
Cam is now awake and desperately wants to watch the Will i Am Sesame street video...if you haven't seen it on youtube, you should go check it out. Then you will know what I listen to all day long :)
I will try to post some pictures of our ever growing and ever so cute boys.
Costa Rica
10 months ago
What a great couple of months! We were so lucky to see you for a minute during your trip - I loved it! Hope you guys have as wonderful a Christmas and New Years as the last two holidays!!!