We have had a whirlwind of a week and so many fun and exciting things have happened. I will start in order...
First, on Thursday afternoon, Scott called and told me that his bosses at work called him in for a meeting. Even I was nervous...and I was just on the phone when Scott told me. Then again, I am kind of a wimp when in comes to large, dirty, offensive men. Luckily, Scott deals with those kinds of people all the time and so he wasn't nervous. Anyway, they gave him a promotion! He totally deserves it. He has been working so hard lately and really going the extra mile and just doing an amazing job. So that was really exciting for us and I feel so happy that we have so much job security in such an unstable economy.
Then on Thursday evening, I had my first piano recital. I combined with Maren (thank goodness) cause she is a pro at all this and she made it turn out great. It was so fun to see the students hands shaking as they sat and waited for their turn to play. I only had three students play in the recital, but they all did fantastic. I was really proud of them all.
Then Saturday I ran my second half marathon! Whew...it is over! It is one of those things that you look forward to, in a dreading sort of way...you know? I couldn't really sleep the night before because I was so nervous. It was really fun though. Unfortunately, it was alot longer than I had expected. I know what you are thinking....aren't all half marathons the same distance...13.1 miles? Well, yes. But if you were me, then you would be training with a Nike plus that wasn't calibrated correctly and you would have been running less than you thought you were. So, when I finished my half marathon (according to my nike plus) I had not even reached mile 11 yet!!! So, I have to say, those last two miles were pretty brutal. Really brutal actually. At one point, I was thinking to myself "I should just stop. Yeah. It will be fine to take a quick break and walk for a little bit." Then I actually said out loud "Nice try Rachel." I knew that if I stopped, I probably wouldn't start back up again. So I definitely used mind power to finish the race, and I was really sore right after. But I thought I would be in so much pain and totally miserable for several days after, but I have felt great.
Now I am entering into the world of doing two events in one day. Today I ran a mile...to the pool and then swam. I feel good and I am really excited for our tri coming up!
So, Saturday afternoon, Scott and I decided to go to an early dinner and celebrate that he got a promotion and that I did my half marathon. We took the kids and they were being so well behaved. Ty was calmly eating his food and Cam was just smiling at every person that passed...enough that everyone would stop and comment on what a happy kid he was. I said to Scott "Wow. We are so lucky. We have two really great kids. They are just so good." And then as we talked about the kids, we decided that, obviously, we do think they are wonderful, but that we were probably kind of biased since we are their parents. Every parent thinks that their child is amazing, right? We kind of laughed about that and then a couple that was sitting at a nearby table was just paying for their food and getting up to leave, when they walked over to us. The wife said "We just want you to know that you have such wonderful children. They are so happy and so smiley...and sooo well behaved. You are really lucky." It almost got me kind of choked up. I felt a huge sense of pride (the good kind, I hope) as I looked at those boys and knew that they were mine. It was a fun day. And a yummy meal!
Halloween 2024
4 months ago
...and if it makes you feel any better, according to all of our garmins, the half was actually 13.25-13.3 miles, give or take. :)
ReplyDeleteThat is so awesome about Scott's promotion! Congratulations! I'm sure you guys are so happy that all his hard work is paying off.
ReplyDeleteAnd way to go on the half! You seriously inspire me. I'd love to hear how you motivate yourself. I get running for a while, and then I totally lose steam.
And you DO have awesome kids. They are so cute. I can't wait to see them in a couple weeks!